Refund Policy

Refund Policy: PFILBRYTE MUSIC EDL Translator

Please note that during the EDL translation process you, the user, has the opportunity to review the converted excel document prior to purchase. That is, you get to see what you're buying before you pay for it. But in the event that you purchase and download the translated document and find later that it gave you unexpected or unuseable results you may ask for a refund.

If EDL Translator doesn't convert your EDL data, simply contact us within 30 days with your dated receipt/purchase confirmation for a full refund of the purchase.


This refund applies only to purchases of documents created by use of our software service know as EDL Translator. This refund does not apply to any other goods or services provided by PFILBRYTE PRODUCTION MUSIC.

PFILBRYTE PRODUCTION MUSIC is commited to provide the best service in it’s industry. To that end, if any customer or user of the EDL Transltor software or service finds that the service has not provided them with the expected results, we will refund that user the full amount paid by that customer for the single software service use in question. This applies to a per-use basis and one unexpected result from one docuement cannot be applied for the refund of any others already purchased.

If you are a customer and have paid for an EDL translaton service and have found unexpected results caused by the PFILBRYTE PRODUCTION MUSIC EDL Translator software and service that you feel renders the purchased document unuseable, please contact us within 30 days to request a refund for your purchase. We will make evey effort to remedy the problem with a full refund as quickly as possible within resonable regard to this industries timeframe standards.

Please contact us via email at: within 30 days with your dated receipt/purchase confirmation for a full refund of the purchase.


© 2013 pfilbryte